Date | Type | Icon | Title | Title | Audience | topicslookup | species |
20220620 | Research | research | Community-Centric Animal Services Practices Survey Results |
Community-Centric Animal Services Practices Survey ResultsJune 20, 2022The Community-Centric Animal Services Practices (CCASP) survey was launched in March 2021 and distributed by Maddie's Fund® and several national partners. |
e,f,s | topic1001,topic1029,topic1033, | |
20200923 | Webcast | webcast | Supporting Both Ends of the Leash |
Supporting Both Ends of the LeashGeraldine D'Silva, Janet Hoy-Gerlach, Aimee St.Arnaud and Derrick PrioleauSeptember 23, 2020Learn how a private veterinary practice is partnering with human health care and social workers in unique ways to support people and their pets. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1020,topic1024,topic1038, | |
20200903 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Going Home |
Million Cat Challenge: Going HomeDr. Sara Pizano, DVMSeptember 3, 2020Learn how to take your matchmaking game from the adoption floor to the worldwide web. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1024,topic1028,topic1029,topic1041,topic1043, | cats |
20200827 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Kitten Care in the Shelter |
Million Cat Challenge: Kitten Care in the ShelterAugust 27, 2020In this webinar, we'll go inside the shelter to find out what's new in the world of kitten care, pathway planning, wellness, and pediatric spay/neuter. |
topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033, | cats | |
20200827 | Research | research | Shy Dogs Survey |
Shy Dogs SurveyFebruary 2016
e,f,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1017,topic1024,topic1033, | dogs |
20200820 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Foster Greatness |
Million Cat Challenge: Foster GreatnessDr. Sara Pizano, DVMAugust 20, 2020If you'd like to recruit, train and onboard volunteers quicker, better, faster, then grab your foster coordinators and a seat in this action-packed webinar now. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1029, | cats |
20200813 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Support for Kittens in the Field |
Million Cat Challenge: Support for Kittens in the FieldJulie Levy, Kristen Hassen-Auerbach, Heather Kennedy and Nick LippincottAugust 13, 2020Find out what field officers, volunteers and fosters are doing to give kittens the best chance of survival while streamlining operations and expanding safety nets outside shelter walls. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1009,topic1020,topic1029,topic1033, | cats |
20200806 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Kitten Intake in Animal Shelters |
Million Cat Challenge: Kitten Intake in Animal SheltersKate Hurley DVM and Hannah Shaw (the Kitten Lady)August 6, 2020In this session, we discuss new intake philosophies and management models that prioritize kittens' safety, community engagement & keeping feline families together. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1020,topic1021,topic1022,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038, | cats |
20200721 | Blog | blog | How a rehoming program can help reduce intake at your animal shelter |
How a rehoming program can help reduce intake at your animal shelterJuly 21, 2020Over the past several months, the animal welfare industry has joined together to collaborate about reimagining the future of sheltering. This new vision focuses on animal shelters and rescue organizations transforming into resource centers to support their communities. Organizations across the nation have been pivoting to find ways to keep more pets and people together… |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001, | |
20200618 | Webcast | webcast | Supporting and Engaging Foster Caregivers During COVID-19 |
Supporting and Engaging Foster Caregivers During COVID-19Kelly Duer and Lea WilliamsJune 18, 2020This 60-minute webcast will teach you how to support your fosters and keep them coming back for more! |
e,f,s | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20200604 | Webcast | webcast | Caring from Across Town: Practical Telehealth for Shelters & Clinics |
Caring from Across Town: Practical Telehealth for Shelters & ClinicsDr. Michael (Mike) Greenberg, Brenton Minish, Julie Ryan-Johnson, DVM, Aimee St.Arnaud and Beth HarrisonJune 4, 2020Come learn more about the telehealth landscape and how best to implement this tool in your shelter or clinic. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1024,topic1028,topic1033, | |
20200527 | Webcast | webcast | Ideas for Safely Offering Spay/Neuter and Wellness: Q&A session |
Ideas for Safely Offering Spay/Neuter and Wellness: Q&A sessionJennifer Bolser, DVM, Natalie Corwin, Melanie deHaan, DVM, Cynthia (Cindy) Karsten, DVM, Cate Lemmond and Aimee St.ArnaudMay 27, 2020Join this discussion on how can we do spay/neuter in a manner that is safe for staff, clients and animals in this new "normal". |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1028,topic1038,topic1044, | |
20200430 | Webcast | webcast | Boots on the Ground: Caring for COVID-19 Exposed Pets in Shelters |
Boots on the Ground: Caring for COVID-19 Exposed Pets in SheltersSandra Newbury, DVM, Director of University of Wisconsin Shelter Medicine Program and Associate Professor at University of Wisconsin Shelter Medicine Program and School of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Medical SciencesApril 30, 2020Join Dr. Sandra Newbury, Director of University of Wisconsin's Shelter Medicine Program, for practical guidance for essential shelter workers caring for pets who have been exposed to COVID-19. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1029,topic1033, | dogs |
20200429 | Webcast | webcast | COVID-19 Spay/neuter and Vaccine Clinic Preparedness Guide |
COVID-19 Spay/neuter and Vaccine Clinic Preparedness GuideAimee St.Arnaud, Elizabeth Berliner, Jennifer Bolser, Gina Clemmer, Natalie Corwin and Cynthia (Cindy) KarstenApril 29, 2020Learn how to follow social distancing guidelines while safely performing spay/neuter surgeries. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1039, | |
20200423 | Webcast | webcast | Empowering Fosters to Help Market Pets from Foster Care |
Empowering Fosters to Help Market Pets from Foster CareKelly Duer, Foster Care Specialist, Maddie's Fund® and Rachel Jones, Adult Dog Foster Coordinator, Pima Animal Care CenterApril 23, 2020This webcast outlines strategies from several progressive organizations that are empowering foster caregivers to assist in efforts to market their foster pets online. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033, | |
20200415 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Flattening the Kitten Curve While Spay/Neuter is on Hold |
Million Cat Challenge: Flattening the Kitten Curve While Spay/Neuter is on HoldDr. Julie Levy, Aimee St. Arnaud, Hannah Shaw (The Kitten Lady) and Marla BrowneApril 15, 2020Join a panel discussion to hear ideas on what you can do now to flatten the kitty curve while spay/neuter is on hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1020,topic1029,topic1033,topic1035, | cats |
20200409 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Rehoming Programs - Safe options for your staff and community |
Million Cat Challenge: Rehoming Programs - Safe options for your staff and communityCarina DeVera, Digital Marketing Specialist, Marin Humane, Mandy G. Evans, Executive Director, Panhandle Animal Shelter and the Home To Home Network and Sara Pizano, DVM, MAApril 9, 2020Marin Humane and Home To Home show how their programs have impacted their communities and shelter by offering a proactive approach. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1029,topic1033, | |
20200331 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Spay/Neuter in the COVID Era |
Million Cat Challenge: Spay/Neuter in the COVID EraDr. Julie Levy and Aimee St. ArnaudMarch 31, 2020In this Covid era, we're told to be #SaferAtHome to avoid overloading the human healthcare system. What does that mean for spay/neuter programs? |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1010,topic1033, | |
20200311 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Create a Road Map for Your Cats |
Million Cat Challenge: Create a Road Map for Your CatsKate Hurley, DVM, MPVM, Co-founder, Million Cat Challenge and Director, Koret Shelter Medicine Program at UC Davis School of Veterinary MedicineMarch 11, 2020Life is a highway and the cats are taking over the fast lane. Isn't it time we created a road map? |
e,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1020,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035, | cats |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Model Government Reporting Requirements |
Model Government Reporting RequirementsDon Bland, Ryan Clinton and Dr. Ellen JeffersonFebruary 2020In 2019, Austin passed the most comprehensive set of lifesaving laws in the country. A decade of work drove Austin to be the safest city in the country for homeless pets. Can Austin be a model for communities all over the country to implement reporting requirements? |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1021,topic1029,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Marketing the Euthanasia List |
Marketing the Euthanasia ListClare Callison, Canine Lifesaving Advisor, Maddie's Lifesaving AcademyFebruary 2020This session explores why it is important to understand exactly which animals are dying in your municipal shelter and let people help you to get them out alive. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033,topic1038,topic1047, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Pets are Family: Community Programs to Keep Pets Out of the Shelter |
Pets are Family: Community Programs to Keep Pets Out of the ShelterRebecca GuinnMarch 2020In this presentation, Rebecca Guinn shares innovative ideas for community programs in the country. Leave with ideas to take back to your own community. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | But We're Full: Smart Strategies to Increase Capacity for Dogs |
But We're Full: Smart Strategies to Increase Capacity for DogsStephanie Bilbro, Director, Shelter Lifesaving Operations, Austin Pets Alive! and Kate Mellon, Dog Intake Coordinator, Austin Pets Alive!March 2020Come to this action-driven session to learn how to outsmart and overcome the impulse to kill in a space crisis. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Keeping Families Together: The Future of Animal Control |
Keeping Families Together: The Future of Animal ControlMarc Peralta (Moderator), Audra Michael, April Moore, Lee Ann Shenefiel and Christina SnowMarch 2020Hear how animal protection units around the country are thinking about what's next for animal protection. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Article | article | Is Managed Intake Humane? |
Is Managed Intake Humane?Sarah Aguilar, Deputy Director, Pima County Animal Care Center (Arizona) and Adam Ricci, Chief of Field Operations, City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare DepartmentMarch 2020Two animal shelter leaders from sizeable cities present ideas to keep your intake practices focused on serving pets and people. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1038, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | When to Bring Them In: Pets That Truly Need Shelter |
When to Bring Them In: Pets That Truly Need ShelterMark Sloat, Christina Snow and Mike WheelerMarch 2020Learn policies and procedures to implement in your organization and take the guesswork out of bringing animals in and streamline and prioritize the safety and wellness of pets and people. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | What If You Can't Return Them? When SNR is Not an Option |
What If You Can't Return Them? When SNR is Not an OptionGinny Sims, Executive Director, Southern Pines Animal Shelter (Mississippi)March 2020Learn how you can safely save all the cats, even when SNR isn't an option. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | We're on the same team: ACOs and the Future of Animal Protection |
We're on the same team: ACOs and the Future of Animal ProtectionAudra Michael, Director, Pinal County Animal Care and Control (Texas) and Christina Snow, Animal Protection Manager, Pima County Animal Care Center (Arizona)March 2020This session focuses on how to manage change amongst Animal Control officers and learning how to build teamwork and camaraderie even when things are different and new. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Your Notes are Everything: How Officer Notes Impact Animals and Communities |
Your Notes are Everything: How Officer Notes Impact Animals and CommunitiesApril Moore, Animal Control Manager, City of Baytown Animal Services (Texas) and Adam Ricci, Chief of Field Operations, City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare DepartmentMarch 2020Learn how to ensure your staff is working to keep accurate & thorough notes to save more animal lives. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Ensuring Accountability Around Life and Death Decisions |
Ensuring Accountability Around Life and Death DecisionsSarah Aguilar, Emma Davenport, Tawny Hammond, Erin Olsen and Lee Ann ShenefielMarch 2020Learn how to implement policies that will keep your organization accountable and increase lifesaving across your organization. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | You Just Arrived, Now Go Home! Make Pets Ready for Adoption, Immediately |
You Just Arrived, Now Go Home! Make Pets Ready for Adoption, ImmediatelyClare Callison, Canine Lifesaving Advisor, Maddie's® Lifesaving AcademyMarch 2020Learn how to fast-track animals and make them available for adoption, foster and transfer, immediately. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Don't Euthanize That! Building a No Kill Culture in Your Clinic |
Don't Euthanize That! Building a No Kill Culture in Your ClinicDr. Alexis Bardzinski, Medical Director, Austin Pets Alive! and Dr. Jennifer Wilcox, Director of Veterinary Services, Pima Animal Care CenterMarch 2020Learn how to instill a culture in your clinic that requires all staff to treat every animal with the care and treatment we would expect for our own animals. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Innovation and Emerging Practices in Adoption Counseling |
Innovation and Emerging Practices in Adoption CounselingClare Callison, Canine Lifesaving Advisor, Maddie's® Lifesaving Academy and Nikki Harris, Chief Operating Officer, Jacksonville Humane SocietyMarch 2020Learn the most innovative and creative ways to counsel potential adopters and safely increase adoption in your organization. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Every Cat! Live Outcome Options for All of Them |
Every Cat! Live Outcome Options for All of ThemMonica Frenden, Maddie's® Director of Feline Lifesaving, American Pets Alive!March 2020In this session, we'll take a look at innovative programs for cats that work, and outdated practices we still need to replace. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | cats |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Steal this! Five Free, Easy Foster Strategies to Start Now |
Steal this! Five Free, Easy Foster Strategies to Start NowKelly Duer, Foster Care Specialist, Maddie's Fund® and Regan Goins, Dog Care Manager, Austin Pets Alive!March 2020Everything you need to know to recruit more foster homes, start new programs and send more pets to foster. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Article | article | Using Technology to Increase Return to Owner |
Using Technology to Increase Return to OwnerGina Knepp, National Shelter Engagement Director, Michelson Found Animals Foundation and Bobby Mann, Communications Manager, City of Sacramento Front Street Animal ShelterMarch 2020Learn how to increase your organization's RTO and attain a higher return to owner rate through innovative, progressive and proactive programs. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1038,topic1043, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Power Up Your Fundraising: Donor Management Systems |
Power Up Your Fundraising: Donor Management SystemsMaggie Lynch, Director of Development, Austin Pets Alive! and American Pets Alive!April 2020This presentation covers why adopting a donor management system is important, when you should get one, how to choose a system that fits your organization's needs and what it can do to help your fundraising take off. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1011,topic1020,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1043, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Animal Shelter and Rescue Law and Liability |
Animal Shelter and Rescue Law and LiabilityRyan Clinton, Attorney, Founder of FixAustin.orgApril 2020Ryan Clinton teaches the foundations of various animal welfare ordinances and what they mean for your organization. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1030,topic1038, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Data for Activists: Get the Information You Need |
Data for Activists: Get the Information You NeedRory Adams, Content Manager, American Pets Alive!April 2020Leave this presentation knowing what data you need and how to get it, through the use of public information requests. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1028,topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | What Qualities Do Emerging Leaders Need to Succeed? |
What Qualities Do Emerging Leaders Need to Succeed?Tawny Hammond, National Director for Leadership Advancement, Best Friends Animal Society and Denise Deisler, Director, Jacksonville Humane SocietyApril 2020This presentation outlines a foundation for understanding how to cultivate the leadership abilities that will enable your or your staff to reach their highest potential. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1038,topic1040,topic1041,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | How to Get Your Story Told: Effective Engagement with Local Media |
How to Get Your Story Told: Effective Engagement with Local MediaSarah Collica, Director of Marketing and Communications, Austin Pets Alive! and Nikki Reck, Communications Specialist, Pima Animal Care CenterApril 2020Learn how to cultivate relationships with news sources and tips and tricks from a marketing director and an Emmy-Award winning newscaster. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1020,topic1024,topic1025,topic1038,topic1041,topic1043,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Adopters Are Out There! Market Your Way Out of Space Crises |
Adopters Are Out There! Market Your Way Out of Space CrisesTeresa Johnson, CEO/Executive Officer and Chief Lifesaving Officer, Kansas City Pet Project and Cheryl Schneider, Director of Animal Services, Williamson County Regional Animal ShelterApril 2020Learn how adopters can be your biggest lifesavers when your shelter is experiencing space crises. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1020,topic1024,topic1028,topic1038,topic1041,topic1043,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Moving Through Adversity |
Moving Through AdversityKristen Hassen-Auerbach and Paula PowellApril 2020This session will shed light on the last 2 years as Paula Powell fights for animals and the people who love them. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033,topic1038,topic1040,topic1041,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Public Safety and Lifesaving ARE Compatible |
Public Safety and Lifesaving ARE CompatibleMarc Peralta, Senior Director, National Mission Advancement, Best Friends Animal Society and Ed Jamison, Director, Dallas Animal ServicesApril 2020Join Marc Peralta and Edward Jamison to hear about the increases and impact they have seen in public safety, when lifesaving takes priority. |
e,f,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1007,topic1008,topic1020,topic1024,topic1029,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Build Resilience and Excitement Around Change |
Build Resilience and Excitement Around ChangeShelly Thompson, Tawny Hammond, Cheryl Schneider, Teresa Johnson and Lee Ann ShenefielApril 2020Shelly Thompson moderates this panel to help you get the insider tips on how to cultivate a team of resilience and build strong teams that will rally around you. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1024,topic1038,topic1044,topic1045,topic1046,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | No Kill Advocacy |
No Kill AdvocacyRyan Clinton, Attorney and Founder, FixAustin.orgApril 2020Learn how animal advocates in Austin, Texas, put no-kill on the City's public-policy agenda, and how you can do the same for your community. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Leading Through Relationships: Friends Who Can Effect Change |
Leading Through Relationships: Friends Who Can Effect ChangeLaura Donahue, Tawny Hammond and Katie JarlApril 2020Learn how to put No Kill on your community's public policy agenda. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1021,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | 50 Ways to Keep Pets Out of the Shelter (or maybe 100) |
50 Ways to Keep Pets Out of the Shelter (or maybe 100)Michael Greenberg, DVM, Director of Outreach Programs, Maddie's Fund® and Lisa Ward, Director of Education, Maddie's FundApril 2020Learn some amazing ways shelters have come up with to serve the people and pets in their communities in ways other than simply taking them into the shelter |
e,p,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1029,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Shelter Medicine with a No-Kill Mindset |
Shelter Medicine with a No-Kill MindsetAlexis Bardzinski, DVM and Jennifer Wilcox, DVMApril 2020Learn how to spend the least amount of money possible, to spread the meager wealth of medical resources and save more lives. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | New FeLV Guidelines: 5 Critical Takeaways for Your Shelter |
New FeLV Guidelines: 5 Critical Takeaways for Your ShelterJulie Levy, DVMApril 2020Gain the knowledge and skills you need to tackle the next frontier in cat lifesaving! |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1008,topic1011,topic1033,topic1035, | cats |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Neonatal Kittens Q & A |
Neonatal Kittens Q & ARosemarie Crawford and Casandra MensingApril 2020Listen in with expert kitten lifesavers as they answer questions about neonatal kitten care, including disease treatment and prevention. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1008,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | cats |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Contagious Disease is Not a Death Sentence: How Communities Overcame Outbreaks without Killing |
Contagious Disease is Not a Death Sentence: How Communities Overcame Outbreaks without KillingJennifer Wilcox, DVM and Nipuni Ratnayaka, DVMApril 2020Leave this session with the knowledge necessary to fight disease outbreak, medically and operationally from veterinarians who have lived through it. |
e,f,p,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1033,topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | FeLV: Current Research and Rehoming Practices |
FeLV: Current Research and Rehoming PracticesJulie Levy, Monica Frenden and Natascha HammanApril 2020Learn from shelter medicine expert, Dr. Levy and leading cat advocates Monica Frenden and Natascha Hamman, about the most current research and best practices for rehoming FeLV cats. |
f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1029,topic1033, | cats |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Behavior Dogs Alive! Solving Eight Common Behaviors that Happen in Shelters |
Behavior Dogs Alive! Solving Eight Common Behaviors that Happen in SheltersMike Kaviani and Regan GoinsApril 2020Learn practical and manageable solutions for common canine behaviors and increase your lifesaving immediately. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1005,topic1013,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | What Do We Do About Our Long Stays? |
What Do We Do About Our Long Stays?Sarah Aguilar, Deputy Director, Pima Animal CareApril 2020Learn how to analyze length-of-stay data and know what to do with it. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1028,topic1033,topic1038, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | The First 72 Hours: A Model Intake & Animal Flow Process |
The First 72 Hours: A Model Intake & Animal Flow ProcessJordana Moerbe, Faith Wright and Dr. Nipuni RatnayakaApril 2020Join American Pets Alive! as they discuss what should happen within the first 72 hours after an animal enters any sheltering system. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1039,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Model Animal Shelter Hold Period and Rescue Access Laws |
Model Animal Shelter Hold Period and Rescue Access LawsRyan Clinton, Attorney and Founder of FixAustin.orgApril 2020Learn how to advocate for implementing model laws to save more homeless pets in your community. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1029,topic1030,topic1032,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | The Future of Animal Shelter Data |
The Future of Animal Shelter DataKristen Hassen- Auerbach, Sarah Aguilar and Elena BattlesApril 2020As sheltering evolves, we face an evolving set of challenges. Learn what experts in the field of animal shelter data collection are suggesting. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1009,topic1010,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | ACOs Gone Wild: Handling Fearful and Fractious Wildlife and Companion Animals |
ACOs Gone Wild: Handling Fearful and Fractious Wildlife and Companion AnimalsApril Moore and Mike WheelerApril 2020Learn animal control officers' tips and tricks for humanely handling even the stickiest situations with fearful and fractious animals. |
s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1011,topic1015,topic1018,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20200219 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Don't steal the cats! |
Million Cat Challenge: Don't steal the cats!POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEDue to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to postpone this webcast until further notice. We will publish the new webcast date as quickly as possible. For those of you who have already registered, you will not need to re-register and will receive an email once a new date has been set. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope you will stay tuned for updates on this page. |
f,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036, | cats |
20200116 | Webcast | webcast | New AAFP FeLV/FIV Guidelines: 5 critical takeaways for your shelter |
New AAFP FeLV/FIV Guidelines: 5 critical takeaways for your shelterJulie Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DABVPJanuary 16, 2020Confused about navigating FeLV and FIV in shelter cats? This free, pop-up webinar is designed to bring you au courant in less than 30 minutes. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1033, | cats |
20191024 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 2 |
Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 2Kristen Hassen-Auerbach, Director of Animal Services Pima Animal Care Center, Tucson, Arizona & Sheila Segurson, DVM, DACVB, Director of Research, Maddie's FundOctober 24, 2019Part 2: The Challenges of Saving Medium and Large Dogs in Shelters. This webcast is the second in a two-part series but can be viewed on its own and will be useful to shelter leadership at all levels, volunteers, advocates and anyone else who struggles to save big dogs' lives. |
e,p,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1014,topic1015,topic1018,topic1033,topic1034,topic1048, | dogs |
20191023 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 1 |
Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 1Kristen Hassen-Auerbach, Director of Animal Services Pima Animal Care Center, Tucson, ArizonaOctober 23, 2019Part 1: What is the Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs? This webcast is the first in a two-part series but can be viewed on its own and will be useful to shelter leadership at all levels, volunteers, advocates and anyone else who struggles to save big dogs' lives. |
f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1009,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1045, | |
20191003 | Webcast | webcast | Caring for Exotic Pets in the Shelter |
Caring for Exotic Pets in the ShelterLena DeTar, DVM, DACVPM, DABVP Assistant Clinical Professor, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine October 3, 2019In this free webcast, Assistant Clinical Professor at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Dr. Lena DeTar will give practitioners of shelter medicine the tools they'll need to address the welfare of small mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians that may come into the shelter. |
s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1011, | |
20191002 | Webcast | webcast | The Million Cat Challenge: Interventions and observations associated with survival of orphaned shelter kittens undergoing treatment for diarrhea |
The Million Cat Challenge: Interventions and observations associated with survival of orphaned shelter kittens undergoing treatment for diarrheaJody Gookin, DVM and Sandra Strong, DVMOctober 2, 2019In this free 30-minute webcast, Drs. Jody Gookin and Sandra Strong provide information for veterinarians and medical support staff on survival statistics and novel treatments for orphan kitten diarrhea. |
s,v | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1033, | cats |
20190909 | Article | article | Managing Fear Aggression in Cats |
Managing Fear Aggression in CatsAugust 2019Fear is a debilitating feeling and can lead to very serious behavioral issues in cats. It is an underlying reason for aggression and always needs to be taken seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190906 | Article | article | Cat Aggression Toward New Cats |
Cat Aggression Toward New CatsAugust 2019Aggression between unfamiliar cats most frequently occurs when introducing new cats in a home, or if unfamiliar cats appear outside your home. |
f,p,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1018,topic1033, | cats |
20190719 | Video | video | Decreasing Intake with Targeted Community Engagement |
Decreasing Intake with Targeted Community EngagementJuly 19, 2019Watch how the Austin Animal Center used their intake data to find ways to reduce ever-increasing incoming strays. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1010,topic1028,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Pain Management on a Budget - Part 1 of 2 |
Pain Management on a Budget - Part 1 of 2Emily McCobb, DVM, MS, DACVAA, Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesiology- Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts UniversityJuly 2019Part 1 of 2. This two-part workshop will describe cost effective strategies for managing acute and chronic pain in a shelter or high quality/high volume environment. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Win-Win: Building Shelter & Private Veterinarian Collaborations |
Win-Win: Building Shelter & Private Veterinarian CollaborationsKatie Broaddus, DVM, CAWA, Chief Operations Officer, Austin Humane SocietyJuly 2019This workshop helps viewers better understand and address the perspectives of shelters and private practice veterinarians. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1020,topic1024,topic1033,topic1034,topic1037,topic1043,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Making Better Use of Shelter Data |
Making Better Use of Shelter DataJanet Scarlett, DVM, MPH, PhD, Professor Emerita of Epidemiology/ Founder of Shelter Medicine Program, Cornell UniversityJuly 2019In this workshop, we look at examples of where data can be used to help control overcrowding, maximize the use of shelter housing, monitor the effectiveness of spay/neuter programs, detect shifts in the health of incoming community animals, improve the welfare of fostered animals and target efforts to improve outcomes. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1028,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Keep Them Happy at Home |
Keep Them Happy at HomeRebecca Lohnes, MS, CDBC, ACCBC, Behavior and Training Manager, Lollypop FarmJuly 2019In this workshop Rebecca Lohnes of Lollypop Farm discusses various strategies and programs aimed at helping to address behavioral issues in the animal's original home before they are relinquished to a shelter. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,p,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1017,topic1033,topic1036, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Terrified Tigers and Other Ferocious Felines: Working with Different Cat Personalities |
Terrified Tigers and Other Ferocious Felines: Working with Different Cat PersonalitiesRebecca Lohnes, MS, CDBC, ACCBC, Behavior and Training Manager, Lollypop FarmJuly 2019In this presentation, learn about how to work with cats with different personalities and behavioral challenges. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1014,topic1017, | cats |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Basic Principles of Managing a Large-Scale Animal Emergency or Disaster |
Basic Principles of Managing a Large-Scale Animal Emergency or DisasterDick Green, Senior Director of Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019This workshop discusses the basic principles of incident management and why having everyone speak the same language and be under the same incident command structure saves lives. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1020,topic1026,topic1029,topic1033, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | How Are They Doing? Assessing Pain and Quality of Life in Shelter Animals |
How Are They Doing? Assessing Pain and Quality of Life in Shelter AnimalsEmily McCobb, DVM, MS, DACVAA, Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesiology- Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts UniversityJuly 2019This workshop reviews signs of pain and suffering in dogs, cats and rabbits and identifies simple techniques for assessing pain in animals. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference./ |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1014,topic1033,topic1044, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Managing Intake & Reuniting Pets with Families |
Managing Intake & Reuniting Pets with FamiliesSonia Gonzalez, Intake Coordinator, SPCA of Tompkins CountyJuly 2019In this workshop viewers learn about how the SPCA of Tompkins County manages its intake in order to create better outcomes, conduct smoother intakes and lower intake. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s | topic1001,topic1003,topic1004,topic1011,topic1033,topic1036,topic1044,topic1045,topic1047, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | They Can't be Available for Adoption Until When?! Neonatal Care in the Animal Shelter |
They Can't be Available for Adoption Until When?! Neonatal Care in the Animal ShelterErin Henry, VMD, Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, Cornell UniversityJuly 2019This workshop discusses the developmental stages, care and pathway planning for neonatal kittens and puppies in the shelter. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1033,topic1044, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Capacity for Care & Population Management |
Capacity for Care & Population ManagementLena DeTar, DVM, DACVPM, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice), Clinical Assistant Professor of Shelter Medicine, Maddie's Shelter Medicine Program, Cornell University College of Veterinary MedicineJuly 2019In this workshop you will learn how to maximize your potential as a life-saving organization by understanding your limits and expanding your expectations. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1010,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Overview of ASPCA Field Investigations & Response and the Nuts and Bolts of Animals in Distress-Disasters |
Overview of ASPCA Field Investigations & Response and the Nuts and Bolts of Animals in Distress-DisastersDick Green, Senior Director of Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019This workshop provides a brief history of the ASPCA Field Investigations & Response Team (FIR) and discusses the history of animal rescue and how an emergency becomes a disaster. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1020,topic1024,topic1026,topic1033,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Medical Issues in Emergency Sheltering |
Medical Issues in Emergency ShelteringElise Gingrich, DVM, MPH, MS, ACVPM, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice), Senior Director of Shelter Medicine Services, ASPCAJuly 2019In this workshop, Dr. Gingrich covers some of the more challenging medical issues unique to animals impacted by disaster. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1024,topic1026,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Innovations in Emergency Animal Sheltering |
Innovations in Emergency Animal ShelteringJoe Hinkle, CAWA, Shelter Director, Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019In this session, the presenter discusses lessons learned and best practices from recent ASPCA emergency shelters with an emphasis on what your agency should be doing now to prepare for setting up and staffing an emergency shelter. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1010,topic1011,topic1024,topic1026,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | 2018 Year of Disasters in Review |
2018 Year of Disasters in ReviewDick Green, PhD, Senior Director of Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019In this talk, Dr. Green provides key take-home lessons learned and best practices so that communities and animal welfare agencies will have more tools to enhance animal response capabilities and become more disaster resilient. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1018,topic1024,topic1026,topic1033,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | Keynote: Rethinking the Shelter's Role in Community Cat Management |
Keynote: Rethinking the Shelter's Role in Community Cat ManagementKate Hurley, Director, UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, Million Cat Challenge May 2019This presentation will provide the "why" and "how" of successful strategies for community cat management. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1048, | cats |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | Turbocharging Pet Adoptions |
Turbocharging Pet AdoptionsSue Cosby, Senior Director, Best Friends Animal SocietyMay 2019When it comes to our adoption process, we want to keep our animals safe and we want our adopters to tell their friends about the wonderful experience they had growing their family at our shelter. How do we know this is really working? |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1010,topic1020,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | Cultivating a Fostering Community |
Cultivating a Fostering CommunityKelly Duer, Foster Care Specialist, Maddie's Fund®May 2019In this presentation, you'll learn how to create a culture of fostering in your community and recruit the foster caregivers you need. |
e,f,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1009,topic1010,topic1020,topic1021,topic1023,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20190515 | Webcast | webcast | A Playbook Approach to Saving Lives in Animal Shelters |
A Playbook Approach to Saving Lives in Animal SheltersDr. Sara PizanoWednesday, May 15, 2019In this webcast. Dr. Sara Pizano will walk you through the steps each shelter, whether public or private and regardless of resources, can take to help and save more cats and dogs. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1020,topic1021,topic1024,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1038,topic1039,topic1044,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20190509 | Presentation | presentation | The First 72 Hours: A Model Intake and Animal Flow Process for Disease Prevention |
The First 72 Hours: A Model Intake and Animal Flow Process for Disease PreventionFaith Wright, Ellen Jefferson DVM, Jordana Moerbe, Paula Medrano and Amelia NusbaumMarch 2019Join American Pets Alive! staff as they discuss an intake and animal flow process designed to help you prevent outbreaks and ensure live outcomes. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic37,topic50,topic86,topic95,topic97,topic57,topic80,topic83,topic1001,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1036,topic1044, | |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Animal Protection Officers: Using a Community-based Approach to Measurably Reduce Intake in the Field |
Animal Protection Officers: Using a Community-based Approach to Measurably Reduce Intake in the FieldMark Sloat, Program Manager, Austin Animal Center and April Moore, Engagement Manager, Austin Animal CenterMarch 2019This session will teach approaches that value the human-animal bond, redefine 'animals in need,' and engage community members, shelter staff, and volunteers to solve problems together. |
e,s | topic1,topic15,topic18,topic19,topic25,topic32,topic37,topic50,topic86,topic95,topic105,topic1001,topic1028,topic1033,topic1005,topic1011,topic1019,topic1005,topic1011,topic1014,topic1004,topic1024,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Bottle Baby 102 (Part 2 of 2) |
Bottle Baby 102 (Part 2 of 2)Jennifer Parks, Neonatal Kitten Foster Program Manager at Austin Pets Alive!March 2019This presentation will teach you everything you need to know to create, train, and retain a foster network for neonates. |
f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Cat Medical Care on a Shoestring Budget |
Cat Medical Care on a Shoestring BudgetMonica Frenden, Maddie's® Director of Feline Lifesaving, American Pets Alive! and Dr. Alexis Bardzinski, Medical Director, Austin Pets Alive!March 2019In this session, you will have the chance to learn how to save cats with medical conditions on a tight budget from national leading cat experts. |
s,v | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1008,topic1009,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035,topic1036,topic1044,topic1047, | cats |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Distemper is Not a Death Sentence |
Distemper is Not a Death SentenceDr. Nipuni Ratnayaka, Dr. Ellen Jefferson and Jordana MoerbeMarch 2019Join this session to learn about the process that Austin Pets Alive! developed to combat distemper without hoarding or culling them. |
s,v | topic1,topic4,topic25,topic28,topic37,topic41,topic57,topic58,topic61,topic80,topic84,topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1047, | |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Saving All the Cats: Live Outcome Options for All Healthy, Outdoor Cats |
Saving All the Cats: Live Outcome Options for All Healthy, Outdoor CatsAdrienne Clark, Monica Frenden, Christi Metropole and Wendy BeaupreMarch 2019Learn how to start a barn program from scratch, including selecting cats, finding quality homes, relocation procedures, and safe handling and sheltering practices. |
s,v | topic25,topic29,topic35,topic37,topic39,topic45,topic80,topic97,topic1004,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1020,topic1021,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1004,topic1008,topic1036,topic1044, | cats |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Solutions for the Top Five Reasons Dogs are Dying in Shelters |
Solutions for the Top Five Reasons Dogs are Dying in SheltersMike Kaviani, Director, Orange County Animal Care and Aaron Caldwell, Dog Behavior Co-Manager, Austin Pets Alive!March 2019The presentation will provide you with practical and manageable solutions for the top five reasons dogs are dying and being killed in shelters today. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1005,topic1008,topic1011,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1038,topic1039,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1048, | dogs |
20190507 | Presentation | presentation | Analyzing Length of Stay: Make Your Animals Ready and Move Them Fast |
Analyzing Length of Stay: Make Your Animals Ready and Move Them FastTeresa Johnson, CEO/Executive Officer and Chief Lifesaving Officer, Kansas City Pet Project and Michele Figueroa, Operations Manager, Pima Animal Care CenterMarch 2019Time wasted means animal lives lost, leave this session with a plan to move animals through your shelter more quickly. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic37,topic48,topic86,topic90,topic97,topic105,topic57,topic1001,topic1028,topic1020,topic1021,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1008,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1036,topic1044,topic1036,topic1044, | |
20190430 | Presentation | presentation | Save Lives in Space Crises |
Save Lives in Space CrisesMichele Figueroa, Christi Metropole and Faith WrightMarch 2019Learn how to not end lives due to temporary space shortages by pulling other levers that will decrease the pressure that you feel. |
e,p,s | topic1,topic15,topic32,topic37,topic42,topic46,topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic50,topic86,topic89,topic90,topic93,topic97,topic1001,topic1033,topic1024,topic1020,topic1021,topic1024,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1046,topic1036,topic1044,topic1001,topic1003,topic1036,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190430 | Presentation | presentation | The Pet Resource Center: A Better Alternative to the Intake Department |
The Pet Resource Center: A Better Alternative to the Intake DepartmentMark Sloat, April Moore and Bennett SimonsenMarch 2019How "The Pet Resource Center" is a modern model for a successful alternative to traditional intake centers. |
e,s | topic1,topic8,topic48,topic50,topic53,topic86,topic1001,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042, | |
20190415 | Presentation | presentation | Blueprint to a Successful No-kill Journey |
Blueprint to a Successful No-kill JourneyEllen Jefferson, DVM, Executive Director of Austin Pets Alive! and American Pets Alive!March 2019Join Dr. Ellen Jefferson as she guides you step-by-step through what are considered Best Practice metrics in outcomes, intakes, and the 12 programmatic ingredients of lifesaving. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic15,topic24,topic37,topic48,topic50,topic86,topic95,topic97,topic1001,topic1033,topic1038,topic1040,topic1020,topic1021,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1036,topic1044, | |
20190415 | Presentation | presentation | Every Life Matters: Using Past Data to Plan Better Outcomes |
Every Life Matters: Using Past Data to Plan Better OutcomesMonica Frenden, Maddie's Director of Feline Lifesaving, Austin Pets Alive!March 2019Data is a key piece of the lifesaving puzzle, but how do we use it to save the lives of the animals in our care? |
e,s,v | topic1,topic37,topic38,topic86,topic95,topic97,topic1001,topic1020,topic1021,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1036,topic1044, | |
20190123 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Cats, Birds, and Animal Shelters: Seeking Common Ground |
Million Cat Challenge: Cats, Birds, and Animal Shelters: Seeking Common GroundKate Hurley, DVM, MPVM January 23, 2019In this presentation, Dr. Kate Hurley, Director of the U.C. Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, will explore the real-life implications of various policies proposed to balance the needs of cats and birds. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1036,topic1044,topic1048, | cats |
20190117 | Video | video | Maddie Talk: Cat Town, Oakland CA |
Maddie Talk: Cat Town, Oakland CAJanuary 17, 2019
e,p,s | topic2,topic3,topic4,topic6,topic12,topic15,topic25,topic29,topic35,topic46,topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic52,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1033,topic1034,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1020,topic1023,topic1048, | cats |
20181213 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Webcast Series: Let Them Go Home - Increasing Adoptions |
Lifesaving Webcast Series: Let Them Go Home - Increasing AdoptionsMonica FrendenThursday. December 13, 2018How many more lives could you save if instead of keeping animals in the shelter until they are 100% ready, they went home with adopters now - to grow up, heal from injury, or recover from illness? |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1008,topic1021,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20181204 | Presentation | presentation | What's Next? Improving Welfare in Your Community with Limited Resources |
What's Next? Improving Welfare in Your Community with Limited ResourcesCarolyn R. Brown and Jocelyn KesslerDecember 2018This workshop helps you to identify the needs of your community and discover how to maximize your resources and incorporate affordable and accessible preventive and basic veterinary care into your organization. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic12,topic36,topic42,topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic51,topic52,topic57,topic83,topic1001,topic1033,topic1034,topic1044,topic1046,topic1024,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1020,topic1023,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1048, | |
20181101 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: 'Care To' Programs at the Winnipeg Humane Society |
Million Cat Challenge: 'Care To' Programs at the Winnipeg Humane SocietyVal PoultonThursday, November 1, 2018Learn how the Care to Adopt (for strays) and Care to Rehome (for owned cats) Programs help get cats into new homes without a shelter stay, and include low cost spay/neuter and vaccinations to those adopters. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035, | cats |
20181101 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Webcast Series: Saving Lives Through Transport Programs |
Lifesaving Webcast Series: Saving Lives Through Transport ProgramsColleen HarringtonThursday, November 1, 2018Hear an overview of the key elements of a good transport program, transport best practices and how to get started on a lifesaving transport program that benefits not only the animals but the sending and receiving partners as well. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1033,topic1037,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20181025 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Albuquerque Case Studies Going Big With Community Cat Programs |
Million Cat Challenge: Albuquerque Case Studies Going Big With Community Cat ProgramsDesiree Triste-AragonThursday, October 25, 2018Learn how the Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department partnered with Petsmart Charities and Best Friends Animal Society to drastically reduce euthanasia and intake of cats and kittens coming into the shelter. Learn more about how the program works and how you can replicate it in your community. |
e,p,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1024,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035,topic1038,topic1039,topic1043, | cats |
20181018 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Helping vs Enabling: Knowing the Difference Made All the Difference! |
Million Cat Challenge: Helping vs Enabling: Knowing the Difference Made All the Difference!Shelly SimmonsThursday, October 18, 2018Learn how the largest open-admission shelter in South Carolina decreased cat intake in their shelter by nearly 60% and increased the feline save rate from 30% to over 80% in less than three years! |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1033,topic1036,topic1038,topic1040,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1047, | cats |
20181004 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Keeping Cats out of Shelters |
Million Cat Challenge: Keeping Cats out of SheltersMonica FrendenThursday, October 4, 2018Learn about how the PASS (Positive Alternatives to Shelter Surrender) diversion program keeps cats from ever entering shelters |
f,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035, | cats |
20180927 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Managed Intake and Restructuring the Budget |
Million Cat Challenge: Managed Intake and Restructuring the BudgetMandy EvansThursday, September 27, 2018In this Webcast, Mandy Evans will cover two topics: A panleukopenia outbreak, and how managed intake, housing changes and partnering with the community made all the difference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1008,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035, | cats |
20180913 | Webcast | webcast | Saving Cats: What Comes After a Million? |
Saving Cats: What Comes After a Million?Dr. Kate Hurley and Dr. Julie LevyThursday, September 13, 2018The intrepid co-founders of the Million Cat Challenge (MCC) dared to imagine reaching a tipping point for how cats are cared for in our shelters and communities, and reached their goal of saving 1 million cats a full year early. The Million Cat Challenge isn't done yet! |
e,f,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035, | cats |
20180329 | Video | video | Saving All The Bottle Baby Kittens: From Nursery To Foster Presentation |
Saving All The Bottle Baby Kittens: From Nursery To Foster PresentationCasandra MensingMarch 2018Austin Pets Alive! (APA) has saved over 7,500 neonatal kittens since 2009. In this two-part presentation, you'll learn how to start and build a bottle baby nursery, plus how to create a foster network for neonates. This is part one: How to start and build a bottle baby nursery |
f,s,v | topic3,topic12,topic30,topic35,topic39,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035, | |
20180329 | Video | video | Saving All The Bottle Baby Kittens: From Nursery To Foster Presentation - Part 2 |
Saving All The Bottle Baby Kittens: From Nursery To Foster Presentation - Part 2Gloria HudsonMarch 2018Austin Pets Alive! (APA) has saved over 7,500 neonatal kittens since 2009. In this is a two-part presentation, you'll learn how to start and build a bottle baby nursery, plus how to create a foster network for neonates. This is part two: How to create a foster network for neonates. |
f,s,v | topic3,topic12,topic29,topic30,topic35,topic39,topic47,topic91,topic98,topic1033,topic1034,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1004,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | |
20171214 | Webcast | webcast | Working Cat Programs |
Working Cat ProgramsMonica FrendenDecember 14, 2017Why start a Working Cat Program? Because these cats have no other live outcome, and socialization of adult ferals is extremely difficult and resource intensive. The good news is working cat programs are inexpensive and easy to start, so you can begin saving more lives immediately! |
e,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035, | cats |
20170810 | Webcast | webcast | Return-to-Field from an Animal Control Officer's Perspective |
Return-to-Field from an Animal Control Officer's PerspectiveTim ReederAugust 2017 |
e,s | topic37,topic38,topic39,topic1020,topic1021,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035, | |
20170330 | Webcast | webcast | Small Changes, Big Results for Cats |
Small Changes, Big Results for CatsMike Keiley and Bryn Conklin RogersMarch 2017Learn how making a few small, easy-to-implement changes can spiral into more programs, lower intake and decrease euthanasia at an open admission adoption center. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1005,topic1011,topic1017,topic1018,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20170202 | Presentation | presentation | Pet Retention Program - St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center |
Pet Retention Program - St. Hubert's Animal Welfare CenterFebruary 2017Learn how to assist your community members in finding alternative paths for their pets other than shelter surrender. |
e,s | topic93,topic1001,topic1003, | |
20170123 | Webcast | webcast | How Your Animal Shelter Can Save Cats by Helping People |
How Your Animal Shelter Can Save Cats by Helping PeopleRachel D. K. FinneyJanuary 2017innovative programs that allowed each cat in need of help to receive the exact services that individual cat -- and that cat's human caretakers! |
e,s | topic45,topic89,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1044,topic1046, | cats |
20161109 | Webcast | webcast | Two Webcasts: Creating Public Policy on Community Cats & Putting Theory into Action |
Two Webcasts: Creating Public Policy on Community Cats & Putting Theory into ActionDr. Sara Pizano and Cameron MooreNovember 2016Are you an elected official of a community struggling with too many cats in your animal control system? This webcast, designed for elected officials, will help you learn how other municipalities have managed these issues successfully on the public policy and public relations levels. |
e,p,s | topic25,topic29,topic1004,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035, | cats |
20161106 | Presentation | presentation | Finding Their Way Back Home: Increasing Return to Owner Rates |
Finding Their Way Back Home: Increasing Return to Owner RatesBob Goddard and Kathy PobloskieFebruary 2017Learn how these organizations are leading the way towards a centralized, national database where shelters, vet clinics, volunteers and the public can all share the same lost and found pet listings. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001, | |
20161106 | Presentation | presentation | Reducing Cat Intake |
Reducing Cat IntakeJordan CraigFebruary 2017Learn how the Austin Animal Center (AAC) saves more than 95% of cats. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic2,topic35,topic1001,topic1033,topic1034,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035, | cats |
20161104 | Presentation | presentation | Breed Restrictions in Housing - Panel Discussion |
Breed Restrictions in Housing - Panel DiscussionTawney Hamond, Scott Giacoppo, Lindsey OrtizJanuary 2017The panel covers how breed restrictions impact "pitbull" terriers and what can be done to remove or bypass the restrictions. |
e,s | topic37,topic40,topic93,topic1020,topic1021,topic1030,topic1031,topic1032,topic1001,topic1003, | |
20161104 | Presentation | presentation | Let's Keep Community Cats in the Community Where They Belong |
Let's Keep Community Cats in the Community Where They BelongAlice Burton and Scott GiacoppoJanuary 2017This workshop will help you reduce your intake and euthanasia numbers while helping you focus on increasing your adoption and live release rate. |
e,s | topic25,topic29,topic37,topic45,topic1004,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1020,topic1021,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035, | cats |
20160804 | Webcast | webcast | One Shelter's Journey to Save More Feline Lives |
One Shelter's Journey to Save More Feline LivesDr. Cristie KamiyaAugust 2016What real-world difference can the initiatives of the Million Cat Challenge make in an animal shelter? Hear an overview of how implementing those initiatives has impacted their life-saving capacity for cats. |
e,f,s | topic1,topic2,topic25,topic30,topic1001,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1004, | |
20160803 | Video | video | Judgment-Free Zones: Building Relationships in Underserved Communities to Keep Dogs in Homes |
Judgment-Free Zones: Building Relationships in Underserved Communities to Keep Dogs in HomesMaureen Keenan and Kelsey WestbrookJuly 2016Learn how to create a more compassionate community for all dogs and their owners - and boost lifesaving numbers. See how it was done, and how the model can be duplicated anywhere. |
e | topic93,topic1001,topic1003, | dogs |
20160731 | Presentation | presentation | Work Smarter Not Harder: Designing Shelter Intake Protocols to Optimize Animal Health |
Work Smarter Not Harder: Designing Shelter Intake Protocols to Optimize Animal HealthKathy Makolinski, DVMSeptember 2016Working smarter through the implementation of well-designed intake protocols will enable your shelter to provide optimal care for all animals. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic95,topic96,topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1047, | |
20160601 | Video | video | When Community Cats Need a New Address: Secrets to a Successful Relocation Program |
When Community Cats Need a New Address: Secrets to a Successful Relocation ProgramJune 1, 2016
Learn how to start and run a community cat relocation program, how to use low stress humane trapping methods for community cats, and how to evaluate community cats to determine if they are best suited for a relocation program. This course will help you determine the best low stress housing options for community cats in your program, and how to successfully find and talk to relocation adopters. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | cats |
20160413 | Webcast | webcast | Turning Your 'Surrender-ers' into Foster Homes |
Turning Your 'Surrender-ers' into Foster HomesSharon Harvy and Ayse DunlapApril 2016The purpose Foster to Surrender is to enlist community support and keep high-risk animals out of the shelter. See how you can do this in your community! |
e,s | topic1001,topic1033, | |
20160222 | Webcast | webcast | The Milk Man and Wait Until 8 Programs: Saving Cats and Kittens by Thinking Outside the Box |
The Milk Man and Wait Until 8 Programs: Saving Cats and Kittens by Thinking Outside the BoxDr. Maria Serrano and Kathleen LabradaFebruary 2016An animal shelter isn't a good place for kittens too young to be adopted, whether they're orphaned or not. Learn how to get your community to help save these little lives in this free webcast. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic25,topic30,topic1001,topic1004,topic1004, | cats |
20160202 | Webcast | webcast | Starting and Running a Shelter Intervention Program |
Starting and Running a Shelter Intervention ProgramLori Weise and Amanda CaserezFebruary 2016Each year, Downtown Dog Rescue keeps more than 2,000 pets out of the Los Angeles Animal Services South LA Shelter through a groundbreaking in-shelter intervention program. Find out what they do, how they do it, and how your shelter can, too! |
e,s | topic1,topic1001, | |
20160112 | Webcast | webcast | How a Telephone Can Keep Cats in their Homes and Out of Your Shelter |
How a Telephone Can Keep Cats in their Homes and Out of Your ShelterCynthia Kopec and Lisa BassiJanuary 2016The San Francisco SPCA's award-winning call center has helped keep hundreds of pets out of the shelter. Learn how you can do this at your shelter. |
e,s | topic1,topic1001, | cats |
20151022 | Webcast | webcast | Getting It Done: How to Bust Myths about Community Cats with Science |
Getting It Done: How to Bust Myths about Community Cats with SciencePeter WolfOctober 2015How can cat advocates cut through the misleading press releases and propaganda to combat proposed laws that seek to end lifesaving neuter-return programs and other cat-friendly efforts? With science, data and facts! |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | cats |
20150608 | Research | research | Community Pet Adoption Partnerships Survey Results: Stray Kitten Scenario |
Community Pet Adoption Partnerships Survey Results: Stray Kitten ScenarioJune 2015During the Summer of 2014, Maddie’s Institute® conducted a survey to assess strategies that may prevent animals from entering shelter facilities. One such strategy involves asking community members who bring in kittens to care for them until organizational resources are available or they are old enough to be placed for adoption. This report addresses the extent to which organizations encourage community member care, the frequency of community members who elect to provide care, how organizational resources link to involvement and more. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1,topic25,topic30,topic37,topic46,topic47,topic50,topic51,topic90,topic91,topic92,topic97,topic98,topic99,topic105,topic1001,topic1028,topic1004,topic1004,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20150505 | Article | article | The Million Cat Challenge: The 5 Key Initiatives That Make it Work – and How They Can Work for Your Organization! |
The Million Cat Challenge: The 5 Key Initiatives That Make it Work – and How They Can Work for Your Organization!May 2015The Million Cat Challenge is aiming to help shelters save the lives of 1 million more cats. In our recent webcast with Challenge founders Dr. Julie Levy and Dr. Kate Hurley, the feedback was loud and clear: You want more! Specifically, you want to know more about the approaches that have worked in shelters, and how you can implement them in yours. |
topic1,topic1001, | cats | |
20150428 | Webcast | webcast | Capacity for Care: When Less Adds Up to a Whole Lot More for Shelter Cats |
Capacity for Care: When Less Adds Up to a Whole Lot More for Shelter CatsOllie Davidson and Kathleen OlsonApril 2015How can your shelter save more cats? Take in fewer of them at a time, give each cat more room and care for them better. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1011,topic1033,topic1038, | |
20150421 | Webcast | webcast | Return to Field: Animal Shelters and a New Approach to Healthy Unowned Cats |
Return to Field: Animal Shelters and a New Approach to Healthy Unowned CatsScott TrebatoskiApril 2015What can animal shelters do about healthy unowned cats in their community? One new concept increasingly gaining ground is that, as long as the cats are thriving, the most compassionate, lifesaving approach is to sterilize them, vaccinate them, ear-tip them and return them where they were found. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20150414 | Webcast | webcast | Managed Admission: Giving Shelter Cats Their Best Chance at a Great Outcome |
Managed Admission: Giving Shelter Cats Their Best Chance at a Great OutcomeBarbara Carr and Kathie JohnsonApril 2015Not every cat who is presented to a shelter for relinquishment is in need of immediate admission. In many cases, simply knowing that help is available and the shelter can take the cat in the near future is enough to allow the community member to opt for an appointment down the road, when his or her cat can be better cared-for by the shelter. In some cases, supportive management may buy the owner enough breathing room that the cat ends up being able to remain in the current home after all. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033,topic1038, | |
20150407 | Webcast | webcast | Alternatives to Intake: When the Shelter Isn't the Answer |
Alternatives to Intake: When the Shelter Isn't the AnswerWiley Stem, IIIApril 2015What if your city wanted to stop euthanizing community cats in the shelter, and decided to try something bold? And what if all the animal control officers, rescue groups and community members came together to make it work? |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1024, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Revolution Relay: Passing the Baton to the Next Generation of Advocates |
Revolution Relay: Passing the Baton to the Next Generation of AdvocatesBecky RobinsonFebruary 2015As Alley Cat Allies celebrates its 25th anniversary, Ms. Robinson reflects on the past quarter of a century. Where we were, what we have accomplished and what is yet to be achieved by the next generation! Come celebrate the rescued animals and advocacy accomplishments of the past while we also set our sights on the future. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic25,topic29,topic35,topic37,topic39,topic45,topic1004,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1020,topic1021,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Achieving and Sustaining No-kill in a Medium-sized, Open Admission Shelter |
Achieving and Sustaining No-kill in a Medium-sized, Open Admission ShelterCheryl SchneiderFebruary 2015Learn how Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter in Texas, an open admission shelter, started on their path to no-kill and how they continue to achieve a high save rate every month. |
e | topic1,topic2,topic37,topic38,topic50,topic95,topic1001,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Getting Big Dogs Out of the Shelter via Canine Good Citizen Training |
Getting Big Dogs Out of the Shelter via Canine Good Citizen TrainingMarian Cannell and Amy LewisFebruary 2015Through a partnership with Best Friends Animal Society, Austin Pets Alive! embarked on a six-month pilot program to test the effectiveness of Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Training on adoption rates. The results have been very good and show a clear adoption rate difference between dogs who undergo training and those who don’t. |
e,s,v | topic2,topic3,topic17,topic20,topic25,topic90,topic92,topic93,topic94,topic97,topic99,topic1005,topic1011,topic1016,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1018,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1044,topic1001,topic1003,topic1005,topic1011,topic1017,topic1018,topic1036,topic1044,topic1044,topic1045, | dogs |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Rescuing Cats from the Euthanasia List |
Rescuing Cats from the Euthanasia ListFrances Flower, PhDFebruary 2015Learn how to create a sustainable rescue program that relies solely on volunteers to assess cats on the euthanasia list and save the most lives it can that are out of other options for a live outcome. |
e,p,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1008,topic1009,topic1010,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035,topic1036,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1045,topic1047, | cats |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | How to Create a Successful Barn Cat Program |
How to Create a Successful Barn Cat ProgramMonica FrendenFebruary 2015Often overlooked for rescue, feral and fractious cats can be saved through a progressive Barn Placement Program and given a new lease on life as working cats. Learn how to start a barn program from scratch. |
e,p,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1008,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035,topic1036,topic1044,topic1045, | cats |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Cat Adoptions 2.0 High Volume Cat Adoptions |
Cat Adoptions 2.0 High Volume Cat AdoptionsMonica FrendenFebruary 2015Too many cats, not enough adopters? Supersize your cat adoption program! In this Level 2 seminar, you'll learn how to manage a population of hundreds of cats in varying stages of your organization. |
e,f,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1007,topic1008,topic1020,topic1021,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1043,topic1044,topic1046, | cats |
20150115 | Webcast | webcast | Introducing the Million Cat Challenge - Webcast |
Introducing the Million Cat Challenge - WebcastJulie Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIM and Kate Hurley, DVM, MPVMJanuary 2015Every cat counts. That's the premise of the Million Cat Challenge, a joint campaign of the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program and the Maddie's® Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | cats |
20141219 | Presentation | presentation | Cats and Capacity for Care, Part 1 |
Cats and Capacity for Care, Part 1Kate Hurley, DVM, MPVMMay 2014What if there was a magic wand we could wave over animal shelters to increase cat adoptions while cutting daily care costs, reducing stress for staff, creating a more welcoming environment for volunteers and visitors, and dramatically improving the health and welfare of shelter cats? It's not quite as easy as a magic wand, but Capacity for Care (C4C) can have these benefits and more. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1028,topic1038, | cats |
20141219 | Presentation | presentation | Cats and Capacity for Care, Part 2 |
Cats and Capacity for Care, Part 2Kate Hurley, DVM, MPVMMay 2014In part 2 of Cats and Capacity for Care (C4C), the good news is that it can apply to any shelter, small or large, rich or poor, open or limited intake. Attaining Capacity for Care in the shelter frees resources to invest in building C4C in the community as well. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1028,topic1038, | cats |
20140501 | Presentation | presentation | Vet to Vet: Efficacy of Synthetic Feline Interdigital Semiochemical (FIS) |
Vet to Vet: Efficacy of Synthetic Feline Interdigital Semiochemical (FIS)Katherine Polak, DVM, MPH, MS, DACVPMMay 2014Discussion of research on the efficacy of synthetic FIS, or feline interdigital semiochemicals, which may be useful as a preventative measure for inappropriate scratching behavior. |
v | topic1001,topic1011, | |
20131114 | Webcast | webcast | Helping Cats Who Hiss and Hide: Assessments, Behavior Modification and Re-Homing Strategies for Shy and Fearful Cats |
Helping Cats Who Hiss and Hide: Assessments, Behavior Modification and Re-Homing Strategies for Shy and Fearful CatsSheila Segurson D'Arpino, DVM, DACVBNovember 2013Can cats who are shy and fearful in the shelter still get adopted? Yes, says board certified veterinary behavior specialist Dr. Sheila D'Arpino. Feline behavior while in a shelter is not always a good representation of that same cat's behavior in less stressful surroundings. Proper housing, handling, and, if needed, behavior modification can turn that hissing and hiding cat into a beloved family pet. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1011, | cats |
20131101 | Research | research | Helping Cats Who Hiss and Hide: Pre-Webcast Survey Results |
Helping Cats Who Hiss and Hide: Pre-Webcast Survey ResultsNovember 2013On November 14, 2013, Maddie's Fund® presented the webcast Helping Cats Who Hiss and Hide: Assessment, Behavior Modification and Re-Homing Strategies for Shy and Fearful Cats, with Dr. Sheila D'Arpino, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist. Those who registered for the live webcast filled out a short questionnaire regarding their own experiences with shy and fearful cats. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic17,topic19,topic20,topic23,topic93,topic94,topic1005,topic1011,topic1016,topic1005,topic1011,topic1014,topic1005,topic1011,topic1018,topic1005,topic1011,topic1017,topic1018,topic1001,topic1003,topic1005,topic1011,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20131001 | Presentation | presentation | Community Solutions for Community Cats, Part 1 |
Community Solutions for Community Cats, Part 1Julie Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIM and Shaye Olmstead October 2013Operation Catnip's proactive "litter prevention" program performs 3,000 trap-neuter-return (TNR) surgeries each year for community cats using monthly high-quality, high-volume spay/neuter clinics capable of sterilizing more than 200 cats in a single day. This program was instrumental in reducing cat euthanasia at the local shelter from 81% to 42% over 13 years. In 2012, the program was expanded to include a reactive "shelter-neuter-return" program targeting the cats most at risk of immediate euthanasia: adult impounded strays. By neutering and returning these shelter cats to their neighborhoods, cat euthanasia plummeted to 13% in 2012, making Alachua County the safest place to be a cat in Florida. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | cats |
20131001 | Presentation | presentation | Community Solutions for Community Cats, Part 2 |
Community Solutions for Community Cats, Part 2Julie Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIM and Shaye Olmstead October 2013Operation Catnip's proactive "litter prevention" program performs 3,000 trap-neuter-return (TNR) surgeries each year for community cats using monthly high-quality, high-volume spay/neuter clinics capable of sterilizing more than 200 cats in a single day. This program was instrumental in reducing cat euthanasia at the local shelter from 81% to 42% over 13 years. In 2012, the program was expanded to include a reactive "shelter-neuter-return" program targeting the cats most at risk of immediate euthanasia: adult impounded strays. By neutering and returning these shelter cats to their neighborhoods, cat euthanasia plummeted to 13% in 2012, making Alachua County the safest place to be a cat in Florida. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | cats |
20131001 | Presentation | presentation | Face-to-Face with Feral Freedom: Saving Community Cats |
Face-to-Face with Feral Freedom: Saving Community CatsRick DuCharmeOctober 2013Feral Freedom is an innovative program that has decreased feline shelter euthanasia between 25% and 50% in every shelter in which it has been fully implemented. This talk, given by Rick DuCharme, Founder and Executive Director of First Coast No More Homeless Pets, presents an overview of the Feral Freedom program. |
e | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | |
20131001 | Presentation | presentation | Shelter Based Feral Freedom |
Shelter Based Feral FreedomJoe ElmoreOctober 2013Feral Freedom return-to-field programs are quickly becoming the gold standard for community cat management in progressive communities nationwide. In Charleston County, South Carolina, animal organizations have implemented the Feral Freedom strategy as a collaboration of local organizations and animal control agencies, affirmed by ordinances created to reinforce this strategy to save more lives and reduce intake. |
e | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | |
20130711 | Webcast | webcast | Making the Case for a Paradigm Shift in Community Cat Management, Part Two |
Making the Case for a Paradigm Shift in Community Cat Management, Part TwoKate Hurley, DVM, MPVM; Julie Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIM; Richard Avanzino; Jon Cicirelli; Holly SizemoreJuly 2013In Part Two of Making the Case for a Paradigm Shift in Community Cat Management, Maddie's Fund® will present some of the nation's leading experts on animal sheltering and community cats in a comprehensive Q&A panel discussion on the information in Dr. Hurley's webcast. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | cats |
20130701 | Presentation | presentation | How to Start a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Program in Your Community |
How to Start a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Program in Your CommunityJesse OldhamJuly 2013The presentation covers a basic overview of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs, and explores how TNR programs might differ depending on who is implementing them, the resources available in a community and the desired program outcomes. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | |
20130701 | Presentation | presentation | Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Target Spay/Neuter Efforts |
Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Target Spay/Neuter EffortsJanet M. Scarlett, DVM, MPH, PhDJuly 2013Large numbers of kittens entering shelters continue to be a major problem for many shelters. Geographic information systems (GIS) technology can be used to identify geographic areas that repeatedly are a source of kittens. |
e | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1028,topic1033, | |
20130627 | Webcast | webcast | Making the Case for a Paradigm Shift in Community Cat Management, Part One |
Making the Case for a Paradigm Shift in Community Cat Management, Part OneKate Hurley, DVM, MPVMJune 2013Are common cat sheltering and animal control policies helping cats? Are they humane? Effective? Not according to Dr. Kate Hurley, Director of the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | cats |
20130301 | Article | article | Cats by Appointment Only |
Cats by Appointment OnlyBarbara CarrMarch 2013The SPCA Serving Erie County has dramatically reduced cat admissions and eliminated overcrowding and severe disease outbreaks with its cats by appointment policy – worries about an angry public, bad press and an increase in cat abandonment haven't materialized. |
topic1,topic93,topic1001,topic1001,topic1003, | cats | |
20130301 | Article | article | Reducing Shelter Admissions with an Animal Help Desk |
Reducing Shelter Admissions with an Animal Help DeskBonney Brown, Executive Director, Nevada Humane SocietyMarch 2013Sixty percent of the callers who wanted to surrender one or more pets were convinced to try alternatives as a result of Nevada Humane Society’s free Animal Help Desk. |
e,f,s | topic1,topic36,topic86,topic89,topic93,topic1001,topic1044,topic1046,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1046,topic1001,topic1003, | |
20120801 | Presentation | presentation | Shelter Crowd Control: Keeping Community Cats Out of Shelters Presentation |
Shelter Crowd Control: Keeping Community Cats Out of Shelters PresentationJulie Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIMAugust 2012While innovative strategies are saving lives across the country, euthanasia rates for stray and feral cats remain stubbornly high in many communities. This presentation will explore the magnitude of the community cat population problem and redefine definitions for "home" and "rescue". |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | cats |
20120801 | Article | article | High-Quality, High-Volume Spay/Neuter for Community Cats |
High-Quality, High-Volume Spay/Neuter for Community CatsKathleen Makolinski, DVMAugust 2012Free-roaming cats have a variety of temperaments, and those who are "feral" need special consideration when performing anesthesia and spay/neuter. It is important to minimize the cat's stress and maximize safety for the humans who are providing medical care. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | cats |
20120701 | Presentation | presentation | Lifesaving Intake Protocols and Preventive Health Care Strategies |
Lifesaving Intake Protocols and Preventive Health Care StrategiesElizabeth Berliner, DVM, MAJuly 2012Intake procedures and ongoing activities designed to protect shelter animal health and wellness. |
e,f,s,v | topic1,topic50,topic57,topic83,topic84,topic1001,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1047, | |
20120501 | Article | article | What You Don't Know About Lost Pets Can Hurt Them |
What You Don't Know About Lost Pets Can Hurt ThemKat Albrecht-ThiessenMay 2021Lost pets not found by their guardians are a major contributing factor to the homeless, feral, shelter, and stray pet populations. Knowing what to do in the first 24 hours is critical and can mean the difference between a successful reunion or a permanent separation. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001, | |
20120126 | Webcast | webcast | Shelter Crowd Control: Keeping Community Cats Out of Shelters Webcast |
Shelter Crowd Control: Keeping Community Cats Out of Shelters WebcastJulie Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIMJanuary 2012Do you want to stop the tragic deaths of shelter cats, and cut your shelter's cat intake dramatically and almost overnight? Want to practice high-volume, high-quality spay/neuter and disease management on cats? How about learning how to get your community - including municipal government - on board with trap-neuter-return programs? Want evidence that such programs can actually work to reduce the population of community cats, prevent the spread of disease, and save resources and money for local shelters? |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | |
20111006 | Webcast | webcast | The First 60 Minutes: Animal Sheltering's Critical Hour Webcast |
The First 60 Minutes: Animal Sheltering's Critical Hour WebcastBrian A. DiGangi, DVM, MS, DABVPOctober 2011From the minute a dog or cat sets paw inside an animal control vehicle or shelter, the clock is ticking on decisions, procedures and practices that can spell health or illness - even life or death - for that animal. Find out how decisions made in that first critical hour impact the stress response and susceptibility to disease of sheltered dogs and cats. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004, | |
20111001 | Presentation | presentation | Curing the Litter Box Blues - Feline Elimination Disorders |
Curing the Litter Box Blues - Feline Elimination DisordersSusan Krebsbach, DVMOctober 2011Dr. Susan Krebsbach, veterinary behavior specialist, presents "Curing the Litter Box Blues: Feline Elimination Disorders" at the Purdue/Maddie's Shelter Medicine Symposium 2011. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1011, | |
20111001 | Presentation | presentation | Vaccination Protocols for Shelter Dogs - What's the Latest Evidence? |
Vaccination Protocols for Shelter Dogs - What's the Latest Evidence?Annette Litster, BVSc, PhD, MMedSci, Fellow ACVSCOctober 2011Is your organization up to snuff with the latest regarding vaccination protocols for your dogs? If not, listen to Dr. Annette Litster, Director of Maddie's Shelter Medicine Program at the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine, present the latest evidence at the University of Florida's Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference 2011. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004, | dogs |
20100501 | Presentation | presentation | Know Your Capacity for Humane Care |
Know Your Capacity for Humane CareJulie Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIM and Jan Scarlett, DVM, MPH, PhDMay 2010It's tempting to admit more animals than shelters can reasonably care for. After all, there are so many animals in the community that need help. Yet most shelters face limitations of space, staffing and financial resources. To help you face this challenge, our experts share methods for creating faster flow-through in the shelter - and ultimately save more lives. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1028, | |
20100501 | Presentation | presentation | Providing for Community Cats |
Providing for Community CatsJulie Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIM and Jan Scarlett, DVM, MPH, PhDMay 2010It's been estimated there are as many as 40 million feral and free-roaming cats in the US. Find out how shelters can help protect those cats and reduce the strain on a shelter's housing and resources at the same time. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033, | cats |
20100501 | Video | video | Vaccination at Admission |
Vaccination at AdmissionJulie Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, Jan Scarlett, DVM, MPH, PhDMay 2010One of the most valuable and cost-effective tools every shelter has to prevent outbreaks of disease in their facility is to vaccinate all animals immediately upon admission. Find out why. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004, | |
20010101 | Article | article | How to Start a Feral Cat Program |
How to Start a Feral Cat ProgramLeslie Wilson2001Everything you need to know from using the right kitten formula to recruiting volunteers, written by an animal lover with years of feral cat experience. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic35,topic37,topic38,topic39,topic45,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1020,topic1021,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035, | cats |
20000101 | Article | article | Pets in Rental Housing |
Pets in Rental HousingLeslie Wilson2000A simple, field-proven seven-step guide that groups or individuals can use to create a program for increasing pet-friendly rental housing in their area. |
e,f,p,s | topic93,topic1001,topic1003, |